☘️ Electroculture in Russia ☘️

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☘️ Electroculture in Russia ☘️

Vaccines would be integrated into vegetables? STOP STOP This is research that arises from the progress that has been made thanks to Covid. As we know, the vaccines were developed very quickly: just 5 days after the sequencing of the pseudo virus, a vaccine prototype was already produced, using RNA technology. Well, it is this technology that researchers from a team at the University of California are trying to hijack, to insert it into plants... Hijacking of RNA technology for insertion into plants plants

Improving the living conditions of populations in villages and around the capital Moscow

✓ Reduction of inequalities compared to residents of main large cities,

✓ Job creation in rural areas, particularly for young people and women,

✓ We must be able to produce what we consume,

Electroculture, comes from the assembly of the word electro and culture. The history of the discovery of electroculture goes hand in hand with the history of the discovery of electricity. However, certain electroculture techniques have already existed long before the official discovery of what we call electricity today - reminder again: Between 1745 and 1910, more than 450 scientists and researchers from all over the world "connected" on electroculture, exploring the extraordinary effects of these natural, inexhaustible and free energies on the growth and health of plants. What are the advantages of electroculture? Some farmers report benefits such as increased crop yield, reduced water and fertilizer requirements, improved product quality, increased disease resistance and increased crop shelf life. Electroculture generally does not use chemicals. It focuses on using natural or artificial electric fields to influence plants. Electroculture is often considered an environmentally friendly method, as it aims to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and can also help save water by optimizing its use It is certain that plants grow better, larger, more robust and germinate more quickly when in an electrostatic field. Plants are very subtle beings and react to what we call an “environment”. We can certainly capture and feel these “ambiences” with our senses, but it is difficult to describe or even reproduce them. Each plant location depends on the cardinal points, shade, neighboring plants, the nature of the soil and the microorganisms it contains. Many other details are added, until we can qualify as “vibration”: Sounds, colors, thermal radiation, light radiation, perfumes, shape waves (structures)

Applicable to all kinds of crops, from trees to ornamental plants, electroculture represents a gentle alternative to the abuse of chemical fertilizers

07 June 2024 (inflation of 15% over 2023)

Equipment required to enrich the soil and increase yields per hectare,

540€ x 4 = 2,160€ ☼ 4 100% copper atmospheric antennas and telescopic rod with its foundation screw,

Position 2, 5, 8,11 on the Tree of Life or Kathara grid, 4 antennas,

305€ x 4 = 1,220€ ☼ 4 Foundation screws for atmospheric antenna,

Position 2, 5, 8,11, 4 Foundation screws,

240€ x 8 = 1,920€ ☼ 8 highly paramagnetic energetic basalt cones 51 degrees connected buried,

Position 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 Wire cone connected 51 degrees on the Tree of Life or Kathara grid,

8 cones €420 x 20 = €8,400

Across the entire plot 20 classic pyramid kits in copper tubes to assemble yourself

€45 x 50 = €2,250

Over the entire plot 50 Ighina spirals to assemble yourself, the spirals work according to the practices of the inventor and genius Luigi Ighina

€52 x 40 = €2,080

Over the entire plot 40 magnets to assemble yourself 150€ x 20 = 3,000€ to place under the copper pyramids

Across the entire plot 40 Paramagnetic round towers:

The paramagnetic round tower makes it possible to capture, transform and radiate energy favorable to life, fertility and health of all organisms and over a radius of several meters depending on its size (x 5 depending on the height of the tower )

82€ vegetable garden plants

To energize food, fruits, vegetables, water, kefir, wines and drinks

To energize irrigation water, the water must be pure €82 x 20 = €1,640

Over the entire plot 20 bags of 25 kg of basalt (purchase in a cement factory in Gabon including delivery to site)

€6,500 Over the entire plot 200 meters of copper wire and manufacturing of pyramids

€2,240 Over the entire plot 400 meters of galvanized wire

3,500€ Chilli and peanut seeds, miscellaneous, unforeseen, (use of nurseries to start the plants)

3 workers at €250 per month x 12 months = €9,000 Staff salaries,

1 technical manager at €400 per month x 12 months = €4,800 Staff salaries,

10 day laborers depending on the harvest at €15 per day per person x 200 days (4 harvests per year) = €30,000

300€ x 20 days = 6,000€ to be shared between 3 people: Installation with 2 workers and myself on site, installation of the grid and completion of the project with all these accessories mentioned above

Purchase and delivery by boat to Moscow to China on the purchase value = €17,800 (this price varies every day)

☼ What is ancestral practical electroculture

Training in this technique

☼ Casamance Senegal culture electroculture free energy project (in the experimental phase)

Training in this technique

☼ Casamance project senegal culture electroculture free energies

Training in this technique

☼ Ormus accelerator for crops

Training in this technique

☼ The Ormus accelerator for crops

Training in this technique

☼ What is electroculture

Training in this technique

☼ Kǎ tǎ lā wǎng gé nóngyè jìshù

Training in this technique

☼ Pyramid Energies

Training in this technique

☼ Kathara tree of life chili puree on a companion crop

Training in this technique

☼ Tree of life Kathara associated crop pepper VS carrot

Training in this technique

☼ Red chili pepper with Kathara Akonolinga grid

Training in this technique

☼ Investing in rural populations in Cameroon and (or) Africa in general

Training in this technique

☼ Kathara grid technique for cultivation

Training in this technique

☼ Grow without watering

Training in this technique

☼ Electro-hydrodynamic culture or electro-kinetic culture

Training in this technique

☼ Restoring natural ecosystems

Training in this technique

☼ Vaccines in our food welcome to electroculture

Training in this technique

☼ What is electroculture

Training in this technique

☼ Objectives and expected results

The electroculture project aims to produce high value-added red peppers and peanuts in order to achieve food self-sufficiency in the countryside around Moscow
✓ Allow the promoter to have the work equipment necessary to make his operation as modern as possible
✓ Fight against youth unemployment in the locality through job creation (for this agricultural project and transformation of pepper growing: between 4 and 6 full-time jobs)
✓ It is very likely that depending on the results of the first and second year of chili cultivation, the salaries of workers and technicians will be doubled, which will allow us to attract and retain talent in the region
Then, after the first finalized crop (chili peppers are grown all year round with 4 to 5 harvests), we will bring together all the farmers in the sector and we will show them that we can cultivate differently and double the yields. 'hectare
Implemented on the plot of the Kathara Grid or Tree of Life, it is this quantum technique which will boost the plantation. We will cultivate a traditional plantation side by side in the plot to compare and provide proof to farmers in the region that this new technique works. Between us, this technique, electroculture, was born in 1882 with the discovery of electricity by Nikola Tesla. I am not inventing anything, the only thing new in this concept is to channel energies on a format called KATHARA GRID (This grid regenerates, unfolds, and expands perpetually to create life in a movement of infinite growth)

Cultivation on the Kathara grid diagram

KA = Light = Emanation

THA = Sound = Vibration

RA = One or Unity = Divine Spirit Associated Culture

Pepper & Peanut orientation of the plantation always 'NORTH SOUTH'

☼ Medium spicy elongated red pepper, average yield per hectare 40 tonnes without this technique and we expect to harvest 80 tonnes per hectare with electroculture

Some examples of processing ☼ Dried chilli pepper ☼ Crushed chilli pepper ☼ Chilli pepper powder ☼ Chilli paste ☼ Chilli puree ☼ Hot chilli sauce ☼ Chilli syrup ☼ Chilli jam ☼ Chilli oil ☼ Chilli capsules ☼ Candied chilli

A test will be carried out on Cassava, we expect to cultivate giant roots (Starch) and transform Cassava into Ethanol CULTURE WITHOUT WATERING, WITHOUT FERTILIZERS - Electroculture: Natural Energies in the Service of Agriculture

TOTAL material technical implementation: €2,160 + €1,220 + €1,920 + €8,400 + €2,250 + €2,080 + 3 000€ + 3,280€ + 1,640€ + 6,500€ + 2,240€ + 3,500€ = 38,190€

TOTAL salaries and labor on agricultural site: €9,000 + €4,800 + €30,000 + €6,000 = €49,800

Purchase and delivery by boat to Moscow to China on the purchase value:

€17,800 (this price varies every day)

Total forecast investment

€105,790 (this price varies every day)