✅ Clean and tasty water for everyone, for the whole planet ✅

person Posté par: Salvador LO VOI list Dans: ☼ Santé & Divers ⭐ Sur: favorite Frappé: 1823

Environmentally friendly. No plastic waste, reduced carbon footprint

Stay hydrated and go on long trips without worrying about stocking up on bottled water or having to stop multiple times to replenish your water supply. The mobile case provides hot or cold water for making coffee or tea on the road or for your daily needs

Filmed in the manner of a road movie, "Toxic Soup" lifts the veil on the chemical pollution to which American consumers are exposed every day when they turn on their taps to pour themselves a glass of water. Traveling through several American states affected by this invisible contamination, the documentary filmmakers expose the unscrupulous practices of large American companies: DuPont-DeNemours, Bayer, Ashland, Massey Energy... which pollute water by discharging all sorts of chemical substances into it, without any warning to the public. A toxic soup where all sorts of carcinogenic substances or substances suspected of causing behavioral disorders such as autism are floating around, but which for the moment are not subject to any legislation

From the pollutants released by the manufacturers of consumer products, to the radioactive residues left by oil exploration companies in the water table, to the heavy metals, the film examines this natural resource and notes the extent of a contamination that is now found in the blood of 95% of Americans. Meeting the populations affected by this scourge, it highlights the terrible damage caused by these substances on the health of consumers as well as the total disinterestedness of the large multinational groups (chemicals, oil, rubber) at the origin of this contamination and whose sole objective remains to increase the profits of this real water business at any cost

The mobile box generates fresh drinking water continuously while you are on or off the grid

Our air-to-water solution provides a safe source of water: no need to worry about contamination, replenishing filters, refilling tanks or using environmentally unfriendly water bottles

The small, lightweight mobile box makes weekend and off-grid travel easier with an instant water supply on the go
On job sites, keep workers hydrated while reducing drinking water supply time. This mobile cabinet reduces costs and plastic waste associated with the use of bottled water
This cabinet turns air into pure drinking water efficiently and economically. With a unique patented design and non-conductive structure, it is the most energy efficient in the world, producing up to five times more water per kilowatt than any other technology on the market, using only 250Wh per liter. A highly scalable distributed solution that can be configured to support not only the central water supply of a municipality, city or town, but also the supply of drinking water to homes and offices, emergency and disaster relief, sports and community events
The water war, a strategic issue and source of conflict in the world. Water, sometimes called blue gold, is a resource that is running out in many, many countries around the world, and where populations must suffer shortages
"One billion people affected by shortages"
"Water has become a strategic and security issue. One billion people live in areas subject to shortages. They will be 3.4 billion in 2030, that's tomorrow 2030. There is a diagonal from Tangier to northeast China, which crosses North Africa, the Sahel. 150 million Sahelians have seen their water resources decrease by 40% since 2000"
➢ A new way to produce drinking water: drinking water from the air
➢ Zero Nitrates
➢ Zero Lead
➢ Zero Iron
➢ Zero Herbicide
➢ Zero Pesticide
➢ Zero Chlorine
➢ Zero Chemicals
➢ 100% Unpolluted
Clean, tasty water from the air. Exceeds the world's strictest drinking water standards. Clean, tasty water for everyone. Clean, tasty water for the whole world

Dimensions of the box in centimeters (LxWxH) 63 x 45 x 51 / its weight 30kg

Water production capacity Up to 25 liters per day in water distribution

Vital minerals balance the pH of the water for high purity and tasty drinking water