⭐ The Ormus accelerator for crops ✅

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Ormus is an alchemical preparation

Which we make using the wet method on a base of naturally salted water and with a calcine of casuarina or eagle fern needles. It is exclusively suitable for living cells (animals, plants and humans) by making water biocompatible, i.e. assimilable by cells

The possibilities of our cells are incredible, but we still have to keep them healthy. Not to mention memories or cellular imprints, it is common knowledge that all the functions of our body can only be fully activated by good hydration. This is about healthy water, therefore depolluted and biocompatible.

Note that the Ormus will not remove pollutants from your water (drug residues, minerals, hormones...) for this you need a filter. The Ormus will make it possible to declusterize the water so that the macro-molecules are smaller and can cross the cell membrane. The goal is to restore our cells to their full energy potential (hydro-electric). The Ormus is sensitive to electromagnetic waves and heat, keep it cool in summer and wrap it in aluminum foil if possible

- It accelerates growth and increases harvests,
- Fruits and vegetables are more resistant to insects and diseases,
- It is particularly suitable for fruit trees whose fruits will contain more vitamins and minerals,
- It helps in the creation of new varieties
It accentuates and accelerates the evolution of plants by allowing better synergy with the surrounding ecosystem. You'll see performance results in the first year. Your crops will however be at their maximum potential after three years of treatment with Ormus, the time needed for the soil to be enriched in the best micro-conditions. Plants will grow faster and use many more nutrients per day.
The Ormus does not replace plant food, it will be necessary to monitor their food intake. When growing in aquatic or hydroponic systems check your nutrient levels regularly and adjust your feeding schedule accordingly
The increase in the amount of fruit will load the trees more than usual, consider pruning old fruit trees well before starting with the Ormus. Yields are remarkable when Ormus is used with biodynamic and permaculture techniques and mulch your growing area. Do not use pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. For best results, apply diluted Ormus to damp soil
First of all, it is essential to emphasize that Ormus should not be considered as a substitute for regular plant nutrition. Although Ormus has been associated with potential benefits for plant growth and health, it should be considered a supplement rather than a complete replacement for essential nutrients derived from regular fertilizers or soil amendments
Ormus, also known as "Ormus Elements" or "ORME" (Orbitally Reranged Monoatomic Elements), refers to a group of elements in a specific state that exhibit unique properties. Some proponents suggest that adding Ormus to soil or plant growth medium can improve nutrient uptake, improve metabolic processes, and ultimately improve plant health and yield. However, scientific research on the subject is still limited and there is an ongoing debate regarding its effectiveness and benefits
For optimal plant growth and development, it is crucial to maintain a well-balanced, nutrient-rich environment. Traditional fertilizers and soil amendments provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micronutrients that are vital for healthy plant growth. These nutrients play specific roles in different plant processes and cannot be fully replaced by Ormus or any single supplement
Therefore, it is recommended that Ormus, if used, be integrated into an overall plant nutrition strategy rather than being considered the primary nutrient source. This approach ensures that plants receive all the necessary elements to thrive and reach their full potential
In conclusion, Ormus can be a great addition to your gardening practices, but it is not meant to replace conventional methods of plant nutrition. I encourage you to continue to explore sustainable, science-based practices to support the health and vitality of your plants
If you have any other questions or need additional information on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm here to provide any help or clarification you may need

The end of famines and desertification

You don't have to wait for science to take advantage of this discovery. Population growth is inexorable and, at the same time, the area of ​​arable land is limited and already largely cultivated. If it were possible to even double production with this cheap preparation from seawater, the threat of famine would give way to plenty. And even without the use of ORMUS as a direct dietary supplement, men's health would be improved. Moreover, since seawater cannot be patented, it is hard to see multinational corporations grabbing hold of this market and making it inaccessible to Third World farmers. How did plants, animals and humans come to lack these elements? Their high concentration in seawater suggests that over time they were carried there by runoff. This could explain the growing desertification of much of the land surface. In addition, the decline of vegetation contributes to the increase in carbon monoxide levels and therefore to global warming. This could be stemmed by treating large areas of land with ORMUS, for example by aerial spraying, especially in forests. In addition, to replace fossil fuels, one could increase, on smaller surfaces, the growth of plants producing biofuels. There is little time left to take a series of measures that could avert an environmental catastrophe. Among these, products from seawater could play a very important role. This is why I urge all my readers to spread as much information as possible about the ORMUS. Source: Translation: André Dufour and Christèle Guinot