☘️ Casamance project senegal culture electroculture free energies ☘️

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Casamance in Senegal

Ziguinchor, nestled in the southern part of Senegal

Main city of Casamance, cleaner and more relaxed than Dakar. It has several pleasant hotels and many restaurants to welcome tourists. It is in the stopover district, the historic center, that the colonial heritage is concentrated. Do not miss the visit of the Franco-Senegalese alliance which, with its astonishing architecture, constitutes the cultural showcase of Ziguinchor. There are often many events such as conferences, exhibitions, shows, café-concerts. What distinguishes Ziguinchor from Dakar is its relaxed pace of life and warm welcome. The locals, known for their genuine smiles and welcoming nature, will make you feel right at home. As you stroll through the streets of the city, you will come across colorful buildings adorned with traditional Senegalese artwork, creating a visually captivating atmosphere. For history buffs, Ziguinchor is a veritable gold mine. The city's past is steeped in rich heritage, with remnants of Portuguese influence dating back to the 16th century. Historic monuments and architectural marvels, such as the Governor's Palace and the Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua, provide fascinating insight into the region's captivating history. In addition to its natural and cultural offerings, Ziguinchor offers a range of activities and experiences for adventure seekers. From wildlife safaris in nearby national parks to birding excursions in the Casamance delta, there is something for everyone. The region's pristine beaches are also a delight, providing an idyllic setting to relax and soak up the sun. I highly recommend adding Ziguinchor to your travel itinerary when visiting Senegal. Its serene ambience, cleanliness and laid-back atmosphere provide a refreshing change of pace from the hustle and bustle of Dakar. Whether you seek tranquility, cultural immersion or outdoor adventures, Ziguinchor is sure to leave a lasting impression


And there is no shortage of activities on these beautiful beaches, between water sports, excursions in the mangroves, fishing, and not to mention lazing around, the choice is yours! At the end of the day, go to the beach at the fishing port to see the canoes unload their catches on the sand, the fish are gutted, salted and dried on site. 5 km north of the city, is the Kadiout museum nestled in the heart of a beautiful forest of cheese makers, presenting the Diola culture. A guide will tell you about the palm wine harvest, rice cultivation, fetishism, animist rites and you will have the opportunity to see the impressive roots of the cheese makers. Bask in the sun: The golden sands and crystal clear waters of Cap Skirring provide the perfect backdrop for a leisurely day of sunbathing. Grab your favorite book, soak up the sun and let the gentle sound of the waves lull you into pure bliss. Water sports galore: For the more adventurous souls, Cap Skirring offers a range of thrilling water activities. From jet skiing and paddleboarding to kitesurfing and surfing, scenic boat trips: Explore the beautiful coastline of Cap Skirring on a scenic boat trip. Ecotourism adventures: Immerse yourself in the rich biodiversity of Cap Skirring through various ecotourism activities. Take a guided hike through lush forests, see the nesting sites of endangered sea turtles, or embark on a birding expedition to observe the avian wonders of the area. Cultural Experiences: Cap Skirring is not only known for its natural beauty, but also for its vibrant culture. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the local markets, where you can indulge in traditional crafts, taste delicious cuisine and experience the warmth and hospitality of the local community


A hidden gem nestled between Ziguinchor and Cap-Skirring, Oussouye is a peaceful town where the Diola culture is more persistent than elsewhere. The village is surrounded by thick forests, most of which are sacred groves of the Diola tradition (these forests are not only of great spiritual importance, but also serve as important conservation areas, preserving a rich diversity of flora and fauna). Every year before the end of winter and for a week, the feast of the King of Oussouye takes place. There are dances, music, and traditional wrestling tournaments. The King of Oussouye, and known and respected by all the Diolas of the region. He is both the religious and political leader of his kingdom, he decides on the different stages that punctuate the life of the inhabitants, such as, for example, he sets the date of major agricultural work and important ceremonies. 5 km south-east of Oussouye is the village of Niambalang, which is home to one of the only impluvium huts in the region. One of the highlights of Oussouye is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the traditional Diola way of life. The local community takes great pride in showcasing its rich heritage, including its captivating music, dance and storytelling traditions. The rhythms of the balafon and the captivating movements of the dancers will undoubtedly leave you spellbound. To fully experience cultural immersion, I highly recommend staying at one of Oussouye's community-run eco-lodges. These accommodations not only provide comfortable and authentic stays, but also contribute directly to the well-being of the local community, ensuring that your visit has a positive impact


July 10, 2023 - For decades, the leaders of our countries have made us believe that receiving a few million immigrants a year will reduce poverty in the world, I disagree because in these countries or continents there are still 4 billion people living on less than 3 dollars a day. This is why at my small level and with the help of Senegalese and/or West African farmers, we must ensure that people living in agricultural regions can work, feed themselves and raise their children< /b>

If a man is hungry, it is better to teach him to fish than to give him fish. Source: Confucian. Fertilizers and pesticides mean becoming dependent on consumables. Honor the earth. To do electroculture is to create fertility and abundance in a sustainable way. Increase in yields per hectare, elimination of chemical fertilizers, saving diseased trees

Electroculture, comes from the assembly of the word electro and culture. The history of the discovery of electroculture goes hand in hand with the history of the discovery of electricity. However, certain electroculture techniques have already existed since long before the official discovery of what is now called electricity - reminder again: Between 1745 and 1910, more than 450 scientists and researchers from all over the world "connected" on electroculture, exploring the extraordinary effects of these natural, inexhaustible and free energies, on the growth and health of plants

Electrodepollution, electrocompost, electrogermination... The use of these electric and magnetic forces is now also envisaged on water, seeds, green waste, up to the chemical depollution of soils

Alternating periods of intense interest and others of profound oblivion, electroculture has entered a new golden age. Experiments resume, innovative processes are invented. The scientific literature on the effects of atmospheric electric charges, electrotelluric currents and the magnetic field on plants has become abundant. It is difficult to dispute the reality of the phenomenon. The benefits are there, at the end of the field

What are the advantages of electroculture? Some farmers report benefits such as increased crop yield, reduced water and fertilizer requirements, improved product quality, increased disease resistance and increased crop shelf life. Electroculture generally does not use chemicals. It focuses on the use of natural or artificial electric fields to influence plants. Electroculture is often considered an environmentally friendly method, as it aims to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and can also help save water by optimizing its use

Plants react to magnetic fields

It is certain that plants grow better, bigger, more robust and germinate faster when they are in an electrostatic field. Plants are very subtle beings and react to what is called an “environment”. We can certainly capture and feel these “ambiences” with our senses, but it is difficult to describe or even reproduce them. Each plant location depends on the cardinal points, shade, neighboring plants, the nature of the soil and the microorganisms it contains. Many other details are added to it, until one can qualify as “vibration”: Sounds, colors, thermal radiation, light radiation, perfumes, waves of form (structures) – and also electromagnetic vibrations< /h5>

Paramagnetic Basalt

It is easier to use paramagnetic basalt to do electroculture in your field

Mulching in electroculture is a technique that helps protect soils and plants from outside elements. However, it should be clarified that mulching itself is not specifically related to electroculture. Mulching refers to the practice of covering the ground around plants with a protective layer, such as straw, dead leaves, wood chips, or other organic material. This technique has several advantages, independent of electroculture

Mulching helps prevent soil erosion by reducing the impact of weather, such as heavy rain, on the soil surface. It also retains moisture by limiting evaporation, which can benefit plants, especially in hot, dry regions. Additionally, mulching helps maintain a more consistent soil temperature, which can promote plant growth. Additionally, it helps suppress weeds by blocking their access to light, reducing competition with crop plants

Applicable to all kinds of crops, from trees to ornamental plants, electroculture represents a gentle alternative to the abuse of chemical fertilizers

July 10, 2023 - Equipment to be provided to enrich the soil and increase yields per hectare

☼ 4 Atmospheric antennas 100% copper and telescopic rod with its foundation screw

Position 2, 5, 8,11 on the Tree of Life or Kathara grid, 4 antennas

☼ 4 Foundation screws for atmospheric antenna

Position 2, 5, 8,11 , 4 Foundation screw

☼8 Highly Paramagnetic Energetic 51 Degree Connected Basalt Cones Buried

Position 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 Wire cone plugged 51 degrees on the Tree of Life or Kathara grid, 8 cones

Across the plot 20 DIY Classic Copper Tube Pyramid Kits

Over the entire plot 50 self-assembly Ighina spirals, the spirals work in aluminum according to the practices of the inventor and genius Luigi Ighina

Across the plot 40 self-assembly magnets

Across the entire plot 40 paramagnetic round towers: The paramagnetic round tower captures, transforms and radiates energy favorable to life, fertility and health of all organisms and over a radius of several meters depending on its size (x 5 depending on the height of the tower)

Over the entire plot 50 oscillating Lakhovsky rings: care for plants, indoors or outdoors to care for and increase the vitality of trees, perennials, all plants in the vegetable garden. To energize food, fruits, vegetables, water, kefir, wines and beverages. To energize the irrigation water

Over the entire plot 20 bags of 25 kg of basalt (purchase in a Senegalese cement factory including delivery on site)

Over the entire plot 200 meters of copper wire

Over the entire plot 400 meters of galvanized wire

Seeds, miscellaneous, contingencies, taxi fares

Staff salaries, 3 workers at 75,000 FCFA per month x 12 months

Staff salaries, 1 technical manager at 150,000 FCFA per month x 12 months

Staff salaries, 10 daily depending on the harvest at 2,000 FCFA per day per person

Purchase and delivery by boat to Dakar Customs taxes on the purchase value


Understanding the technique of electroculture in Casamance in Senegal, the test will be done on an area of ​​1 hectare: we will keep confidentiality on the place where the Christic tree of life or (Kathara grid) will be tested

✅ Culture on the Kathara Grid Schematic
☼ KA = Light = Emanation
☼ THA = Sound = Vibration
☼ RA = One or Unity = Divine Spirit
☼ Medium hot elongated red pepper, average yield per hectare 40 tons without this technique and we expect to harvest 80 tons per hectare with electroculture
Some transformation examples

☼ Dried Chilli

☼ Crushed pepper

☼ Chilli powder

☼ Chili paste

☼ Chilli puree

☼ Hot pepper sauce

☼ Chili syrup

☼ Chilli Jam

☼ Chili Oil

☼ Chilli capsules

☼ Candied pepper

☼ Peanut: will be grown on the plantation by the people of the village and will be shared between them, free of charge
☼ A test will be done on Cassava, we expect to cultivate giant roots (Starch) and transformation of Cassava into Ethanol
CULTURE WITHOUT WATERING, WITHOUT FERTILIZERS - Electroculture: Natural energies at the Service of Agriculture
✅ Cultivate without watering

The end of famines and desertification: it is not necessary to wait for science to take advantage of this discovery. Population growth is inexorable and, at the same time, the area of ​​arable land is limited and already largely cultivated. If it were possible to even double production with this cheap preparation from seawater, the threat of famine would give way to plenty. And even without the use of ORMUS as a direct dietary supplement, men's health would be improved. Moreover, since seawater cannot be patented, it is hard to see multinational corporations grabbing hold of this market and making it inaccessible to Third World farmers. How did plants, animals and humans come to lack these elements? Their high concentration in seawater suggests that over time they were carried there by runoff. This could explain the growing desertification of much of the land surface. In addition, the decline of vegetation contributes to the increase in carbon monoxide levels and therefore to global warming. This could be stemmed by treating large areas of land with ORMUS, for example by aerial spraying, especially in forests. In addition, to replace fossil fuels, one could increase, on smaller surfaces, the growth of plants producing biofuels. There is little time left to take a series of measures that could avert an environmental catastrophe. Among these, products from seawater could play a very important role

In addition, the addition of ORMUS to crops will modify human behavior in the food chain. Better health for all and good disease resistance for both plants and humans
✅ The Ormus accelerator for crops
We also know that plants treated with ORMUS are not only more productive, but that they mature earlier, require no fertilizer and are more resistant to pests (unless the cultivated space is in the tree of life, in this case: no watering and no manure or fertilizers). Plus, the fruit tastes better! I myself have experienced ORMUS on potatoes. Of four rows of two different species, two were treated and the other two simply received the equivalent in water. Result: 14 kg for the controls, 26 kg for the treated plants. I also obtained carrots of more than 450 grams… It was regularly observed that the productions increase further in the second year and the following ones, after the treatment. ORMUS enriches the content of the soil in mycorrhizae, symbiotic fungi necessary for plant growth and whose importance should finally be recognized, because they are seriously threatened by excess chemical fertilizers and herbicides. Detractors might argue that they result from an additional intake of conventional minerals
☼ It accelerates growth and increases harvests, yields per hectare
☼ Fruits and vegetables are more resistant to insects and diseases,
☼ It is suitable for fruit trees whose fruits will contain more vitamins and minerals,
☼ It helps heal sick trees,
☼ It helps in the creation of new varieties,

With electricity and magnetism, we find ourselves at the crossroads between the visible and invisible world, the material world and the quantum world and subtle energies. These energies have an enormous influence on vegetation, electroculture is the field of activity that studies these phenomena and develops useful and effective applications for gardening and agriculture

Felling a tree is a question that must be carefully considered, whether it is to build a highway or because the leaves dirty the terrace and clog the gutter or even interfere in a plantation
Why? Because a tree:

☼ Absorbs "problematic" CO2 to produce "vital" O2 and store carbon C

☼ Fills water tables with its vertical roots serving as a guide

☼ Reflects and absorbs part of the sun's rays

☼ Maintains local coolness and contributes to the creation of clouds with the phenomenon of evapotranspiration: the rain falls from the ground

☼ Produces leaves: food for the soil and for itself, its horizontal roots serving to recover nutrients

☼ Produces leaves: food for the soil and for itself, its horizontal roots serving to recover nutrients

☼ Absorbs gaseous pollutants through stomata

☼ Provides habitat and food for birds, insects and rodents

☼ Can be used as a sound and visual barrier

☼ Shades even the one who knocks it down...

If we summarize, in addition to capturing CO2, a tree produces:

☼ Cold!

☼ Water!

☼ Oxygen!

The one and only technology that can save us already exists...

Plant trees, plant hedges, let your land grow wild next to plantations

How will the distribution of finished products be done, the list may be modified according to the success of local crops: direct sale in the producing country, Senegal, neighboring countries in Senegal, the sale will also be done via the 'Amazon' platform and this on a maximum of EUROPE & USA platforms to increase sales volumes. We are also in contact with a purchasing manager of the 'INTERMARCHE' group in France: The Intermarché group is a French supermarket chain with more than 2,000 stores throughout France. It is particularly present in large cities and commercial areas
✅ The demand for dried chilli is very strong in China, especially since the country has the largest number of consumers in the world. According to statistics, China's dried chilli imports rose 45.55% to 119,900 tons in the first half of this year: 2021-08-05